Dylan Gitter’s Personalized Bar Mitzvah Page

Dylan, use this page 3-4 times each week to prepare for your Bar Mitzvah. To ensure simcha success, please use the tools and downloadable items provided here to learn and practice your training assignments between visits with Cantor Green. For questions, e-mail me at cantor@kehillatbethisrael.com or call/text me at 613-327-3984.

VERY IMPORTANT – MUST READ: KBI B’nei Mitzvah Handbook

Bar Mitzvah Date: Nov. 6, 2021
Parashat Tol’dot
Hebrew date: 2 Kislev, 5782

Tutoring Schedule – Wednesdays, 4:00-4:30pm starting Nov. 25, 2020. SKYPE (ID = jgreen361)

Th, Nov 18,



Intro to B’nei Mitzvah Process

Intro to Webpage

Goal Setting

Lesson Time

STUDY METHOD (always have your printouts/pages in front of you)

1. Listen to the assigned audio files a whole bunch of times, over several days. Let it sink in!

2. Sing along with the audio files many times until it is identical, smooth and confident. If there are glitches, use the slider to “rewind” and review a word or two at a time until identical.

3. Sing the whole assignment without the audio file (as you will in your next lesson).

Use this approach every week, and knock my socks off with how well you know it!

AND, 4. every week, you MUST review at least once, everything learned to date, and FIX any glitches.

Homework for this week:

Get a looseleaf binder (with sheet pockets)

Confirm you have a working Skype account, and find Cantor Green at jgreen361

Print your Haftara Trope sheet (PDF), very preferably in colour (since the trope colours are important)

We, Nov 25


Prepare Haftara Trope Learn Haftara Trope like a song (1st half – up to first “sof pasuk“) (MP3)

No lesson next week, but do next week’s homework…

Dec 2 NO LESSON Learn Haftara Trope (2nd half, from Pazeir) (MP3)

Make sure you also practice the first half, from last week, and learn to go from one to the next smoothly (that’s part of the reason for Step 4, above!)

We, Dec 9


Review Haftara Trope (all)

Prepare Blessing before Haftara

Learn Blessing Before Haftara (PDF | MP3)
We, Dec 16


Review blessing before Haftara

Prepare Haftara v1-2

Finish learning the Blessing before the Haftara (from last week) (PDF | MP3). Please make sure you use the study technique in the top box of this column, and I recommend ONLY spending 20 minutes at a time, ie., on each step above, but if you need more time to learn it, do a fourth sitting of 20 minutes. Spread out your learning over the course of the week.
We, Dec 23 NO LESSON – CJG ON VACATION Keep practicing your blessing before the Haftara!
We, Dec 30

4pm Skype

Review Haftara blessing

Prepare Haftara first verse or two

We, Jan 6

4pm Skype

Review Haftara blessing

Prepare Haftara first verse or two

Print your Haftara in colour (so your tropes are in colour)

Learn Haftara 1:1-2 (PDF | (MP3)

We, Jan 13

4pm Skype

Review Haftara to date

Prepare Haftara 1:3 and first 1/3 of 1:4 up to “Adonai Tz’va-ot”

Learn Haftara 1:3 and first half of 1:4 (up to “Adonai T’zva-ot“) (MP3)

Keep practicing everything learned so far

In Blessing before Haftara, make sure “Adonai” in the middle is the correct melody (check back in the audio file).

We, Jan 20


Review Haftara to date

Prepare rest of 1:4

Fix tune of beginning of v4 (“ki tomar edom“)

Learn rest of 1:4 (MP3)

We, Jan 27



Review Haftara to date

Prepare 1:5 and 1:6 up to adonav

Learn Haftara 1:5 and first part of 1:6 up to adonav (MP3)
We, Feb 3


Review Haftara to date

Prepare rest of haftara 1:6

Learn Haftara 1:6, first two thirds, up to adonai tz’va-ot (MP3)
We, Feb 10


Review Haftara to date

Prepare Haftara rest of 1:6

1. Learn Haftara rest of 1:6 (MP3)

2. Go back and smooth out 1:4, 1:5, and 1:6, making sure you’re singing the same notes as in the audio file. Particularly, focus on the words you circled.

We, Feb 17


Review Haftara to date

Prepare Haftara 1:7

Smooth out 1:4 (v’ha-am asher za-am…)

Smooth out 1:5 (v’atem tom’ru)

Use the audio files to ensure you’re practicing them properly

Learn Haftara 1:7 (MP3)

We, Feb 24


Review Haftara to date (focus on v 4 and 5)

Prepare Haftara 1:8


Learn Haftara 1:8 (MP3)

We, Mar 3


Review Haftara to date

Prepare Haftara 1:9 and first part of 1:10

Touch up Haftara 1:7 and 1:8 using the audio files from the last 2 weeks
We, Mar 10


Review Haftara to date Fix the melody of va-amar-tem in v6 and beh-eh-mor-chem of v7 (both are zakeif Gadol tropes)

Finish smoothing out verses 7 and 8 from last week

We, Mar 17


Review Haftara from v6

Prepare Haftara 1:9 and first part of 1:10

Work a bit on the melody of the first 5 words of verse 8.

Learn Haftara 1:9 and first 5 words (up to d’latayim) of 1:10 (MP3)

We, Mar 24


Review Haftara from v6

Prepare Haftara rest of 1:10 and first part of 1:11

Learn Haftara rest of 1:10 and first part of 1:11 (MP3)
We, Mar 31


Review Haftara to date

Prepare rest of Haftara 1:11

Learn Haftara rest of 1:11 (MP3)

Touch up and smooth out verse 1:10 and first half of 1:11, and connect them up!

We, Apr 7


Review Haftara from top of p2 Re-learn (use the homework technique from the beginning) Haftara 1:11 from last week. (MP3)

Don’t forget to practice everything learned so far at least once, after you’ve finished learning 1:11.

We, Apr 14


Review Haftara from v10

Prepare Haftara 1:12

Work on v10 – make it all match the audio file. Use the homework technique again on it.

Learn Haftara 1:12 (MP3)

We, Apr 21


Review Haftara from v10 Touch up (using the homework technique) verses 1:10-12, making sure musical notes and accents of the words are really the same as the audio file.
We, Apr 28


Prepare 1:13, first half (to end of line) Learn 1:13, first half (to end of line) (MP3)

Go back and keep smoothing out 1:9 and 1:10 (separately).

We, May 5


Review Haftara from 1:9

Prepare rest of 1:13

Learn rest of 1:13 (MP3)

Continue touching up v11-13, particularly “chay-fetz”.

We, May 12


Review Haftara from 1:9

Prepare Haftara 1:14

Learn Haftara 1:14 (MP3)

Work on 1:6-7 – melody of some of the tropes needs some practice. Please use the audio files

We, May 19 Review Haftara to date Haftara 1:13 and 1:14 need some more work. Finish that this week and make them smooth
We, May 26 NO LESSON – CANTOR AT CONVENTION Go back to first half of haftara and re-acquaint yourself WELL with it — it seems you may have forgotten some of the older material. It’s time to get it back in shape! Use the audio files for each verse and SING ALONG. Be honest with yourself: wherever you are singing something different or were about to, CIRCLE that word/words, and stop to practice them and re-learn how they go.
We, Jun 2 Review Haftara to date

Prepare Haftara 2:1 and part of 2:2

Learn Haftara 2:1 and first part of 2:2 up to al leiv (MP3)
We, Jun 9


Review Haftara from p2

Prepare Haftara 2:1 and part of 2:2

Learn Haftara 2:1 and first part of 2:2 up to al leiv (MP3)
We, Jun 16


Review Haftara from p2

Prepare rest of 2:2

Re-study 2:1 (MP3) so that the tropes are correct and you’re singing exactly the same notes as CJG
We, Jun 23


Review Haftara from 1:11

Prepare Rest of 2:2

Learn Haftara rest of 2:2 (MP3)
We, June 30
We, July 7
NO LESSONS – CJG ON VACATION Keep practicing everything learned so far
**Th, July 15


Review Haftara from 1:11 through 2:2

Prepare Haftara 2:3

Learn Haftara 2:3 (MP3)
We, Jul 21


Review Haftara from 1:11

Prepare Haftara 2:4

Learn Haftara 2:4 (MP3)
We, July 28


Review Haftara from Chapter 2

Prepare Haftara 2:5

Learn Haftara 2:5 (MP3)
We, Aug 4,


Review Haftara from Chapter 2

Prepare Haftara two thirds of Haftara 2:6

Learn Haftara 2:6 (MP3)
We, Aug 11


Review Haftara to date

Prepare Haftara 2:7 (last verse!)

Learn Haftara 2:7 (MP3)

Go back to the last 2 pages, and practice them, but FOCUS on the TROPE! They show you most of the correct musical directions (pointing up and down; being over or under the word — both show you the directions of the notes to sing)

We, Aug 18


Review Haftara from second-to-last page

If time, prepare Blessing 1 after Haftara, first half.

Dylan forgot about lesson
We, Aug 25 Dylan forgot about lesson
We, Sep 1


Review Haftara from second-to-last page

If time, prepare Blessing 1 after Haftara, first half.

Go through Haftara, and highlight or circle in colour every “tip’cha” word, and practice it with the correct two-note trope. It’s just up one tone from the beginning of the word, at the accented syllable. Use the audio files as needed to remind you, or confirm that you’re doing it right.
We Sep 8 No Lesson – RH We’ll be using these resources for the next 6 weeks:

Blessings after Haftara (PDF | Audio: Blessing 1 | 2 | 3 | 4)

This week, learn first half of Blessing 1 after Haftara (up to Emet Va-tzedek)

We, Sep 15 No lesson – YK This week, learn second half of Blessing 1 after Haftara
Th, Sept 23,



Review Blessing 1 after Haftara

Prepare Blessing 2 after haftara

This week, learn 2nd blessing after Haftara (MP3 link is in the Sept 8 homework)
We, Sept 29 No lesson – Simchat Torah This week, learn 3rd blessing after Haftara (MP3 link is in the Sept 8 homework)
We, Oct 6


Welcome back to regular lessons!

Review First 3 blessings after Haftara

Prepare first half of blessing 4 after Haftara

Dylan didn’t come to lesson
We, Oct 13 Review Blessings 1-3 after Haftara

Prepare Blessings before and After Torah reading

Smooth out and know very well blessings 1-3 after haftara – use the audio files from Sep 8.

Print & Learn Blessing Before Torah Reading (PDF | MP3)

Print & Learn Blessing After Torah Reading (PDF | MP3)

We, Oct 20


Review Blessings 1-3 after Haftara

Prepare Blessing 4 after Haftara

Review Torah Blessings

Learn Blessing 4 after Haftara

Finish smoothing out Blessing 3 after haftara

Practice your haftara

We, Oct 27


Review 4 blessings after Haftara

Review Haftara

Smooth out Blessing before Haftara

Really work on your blessings after Haftara. Note that they do not use Haftara trope — they have their own melody. Make sure you use the audio files!

Meet Cantor Green on the bimah after services and after a bite to eat at kiddush on Saturday to practice blessings after haftara. Be ready!!

Sa., Oct 30


Review Blessings after Haftara on the bimah. VERY IMPORTANT that this is well-learned!
Thu, Nov 4


ATTEND MORNING MINYAN (7:15 gives time for CJG to help you put on tallit and t’filin) THEN FULL RUNTHROUGH ON BIMAH. Confirm with Mom.
_______________ ___________________________

Downloads (click to open, right-click to save to your computer)

Torah/Haftara Trope (PDF)

Haftara trope (PDF)

Haftara (PDF)

Blessing Before Torah Reading (PDF | MP3)

Blessing After Torah Reading (PDF | MP3)

Maftir (PDF)

Blessings after Haftara (PDF | Audio: Blessing 1 | 2 | 3 | 4)

Goals in order of priority

Haftara Trope – DONE

Blessing Before Haftara – DONE


Blessings After Haftara – IN PROGRESS

Blessings before and after Torah reading – DONE

Torah Trope –

Maftir aliya –

Conclusion of Services –

D’var Torah (with Rabbi Kenter) –

If there’s time: More Torah reading; parts of Shacharit
