Jonah Harari’s Personalized Bar Mitzvah Page

Jonah, use this page 3-4 times each week to prepare for your Bar Mitzvah. To ensure simcha success, please use the tools and downloadable items provided here to learn and practice your training assignments between visits with Cantor Green. For questions, e-mail me at or call/text me at 613-327-3984.

VERY IMPORTANT – MUST READ: KBI B’nei Mitzvah Handbook

Bar Mitzvah Date: Saturday, July 24, 2021
Parashat Va-et-chanan
Hebrew date: 13 Av, 5781

NEW Tutoring Schedule – Thursdays, 4:40-5:00pm on SKYPE (jgreen361)

Th, Oct 15,



Intro to B’nei Mitzvah Process

Intro to Webpage

Goal Setting

Lesson Time

STUDY METHOD (always have your printouts/pages in front of you)

1. Listen to the assigned audio files a whole bunch of times, over several days. Let it sink in!

2. Sing along with the audio files many times until it is identical, smooth and confident. If there are glitches, use the slider to “rewind” and review a word or two at a time until identical.

3. Sing the whole assignment without the audio file (as you will in your next lesson).

Use this approach every week, and knock my socks off with how well you know it!

AND, 4. every week, you MUST review at least once, everything learned to date, and FIX any glitches.

Homework for this week:

Get a looseleaf binder (with sheet pockets)

Th, Oct 29,



Prepare Blessings Before and after the Torah reading Learn Blessing Before Torah Reading (PDF | MP3)

Learn Blessing After Torah Reading (PDF | MP3)

Confirm you have a working Skype account, and find Cantor Green at jgreen361

Th, Nov 5


Review Blessing before and after Torah Reading

Prepare Torah Trope

Learn First half (first 4 lines) of Torah Trope like a song (PDF | MP3)
Th, Nov 12


Review Torah Trope first half

Prepare 2nd half Torah Trope

Print and use your Torah Trope Sheet.

Use the study technique above to Learn First half (first 4 lines) of Torah Trope like a song (PDF | MP3). For both Pash-ta and Et-nach-ta, make sure you sing low note(s) first, then pop up higher JUST for the last syllable.

Please make sure you study at least 3-4 times each week, for 15-20 minutes each time. Cramming this stuff won’t work. I have faith in you that you can do this!

Th, Nov 19


Review Torah Trope first half

Prepare 2nd half Torah Trope

Learn 2nd half of Torah Trope (from Pazeir) (PDF | MP3)
Th, Nov 26


Review Torah Trope (whole sheet)

Prepare Aliya 1 vs 1-3

Print Torah sheet (PDF)

Learn Aliya 1, 3:23-24 (PDF | MP3)

Th, Dec. 10 Review Aliya 1, 3:23-24

Prepare Aliya 1, 3:25

Practice “Et Ha’aretz” first (MP3)

Learn 3:25 (MP3)

Review (and smooth out as needed) everything learned so far! It’s a rule for every week now.

Th, Dec 17


Review Aliya 1

Prepare Aliya 2 vs 1-2

Smooth out and gain confidence of the musical notes from 3:24 “v’et yad’CHA” to the end of the aliya

MUST Print out a copy of your Torah sheets, even if in Black & White

Th, Dec 22 NO LESSON – CANTOR VACA Learn Aliya 2, 3:26 up to “rav-lach” (MP3)
Th, Dec 31


Review Aliya 1

Review Aliya 2, 3:26 first half

Prepare 3:26 second half and first 1/3 of 3:27 up to V’tzafonah

MUST Print out a copy of your Torah sheets, even if in Black & White

Learn Aliya 2, second half of 3:26 and first 1/3 of 3:27 up to v’tzafona (MP3)

Th, Jan 7


Review aliya 1

Review aliya 2 to date

Finish preparing Aliya 2 vs 27 and first part of vs 28

Continue to work on Yad’cha (pronounce and stress the word just like the previous 2 words)

Spend some specific time fixing the melody of the end of 3:26 (use the audio file and listen to just those last 5 words MANY TIMES, then get good at singing them yourself). The goal is not to sound like it’s the end of the aliya.

Learn rest of Aliya 2 verse 3:27 (MP3)

Th, Jan 14


Review Aliya 2 to date

Review Aliya 1

Prepare Aliya 2, 3:28

1 – re-learn the end of 3:26 using this special audio file (MP3). It must sound like the end of a sentence, not the end of an aliya!! Very important. It’s just a mental block, but if you do a TON of listening before you sing along, it will sink in!

2 – Learn 3:28 (MP3)

Th, Jan 21


Review aliya 2 to date

Review aliya 1

Prepare aliya 2, 3:29 and first 1/3 of 4:1 (up to v’el hamishpatim)

Have Mum or Dad come to shul to pick up colour copies of your Torah reading

Make sure that the tune of 3:28 “lifnei ha-am hazeh” is repeated in the next 3 words, “V’hu yan-chil otam“.

Learn aliya 2, 3:29 and first 1/3 of 4:1 (up to v’el hamishpatim) (MP3)

Th, Jan 28



Review aliya 2 to date

Prepare rest of 4:1

1 – re-learn the end of 3:26 using this special audio file (MP3). It must sound like the end of a sentence, not the end of an aliya!! Very important. It’s just a mental block, but if you do a TON of listening before you sing along, it will sink in!

2 – Learn rest of 4:1 (MP3)

Th, Feb 4


Found your page was not password protected. Added password of
jharari-bm, just like your page’s URL extension.
Review aliya 2 to datePrepare aliya 2, 4:2
Learn aliya 2, 4:2 (MP3)
Th, Feb 11


Review aliya 2 to date Work on aliya 2 to date – internalize and practice the bits we worked on in our lesson – particularly, endings. The whole thing should be smooth and confident
Th, Feb 18


Review aliya 2 to date

Prepare Aliya 2, 4:3-4

Learn Aliya 2, 4:3-4 (MP3)
Th, Mar 4


Review Aliya 2 (entire)

Work on Aliya 2, 4:3-4

Finish learning Aliya 2, 4:3-4 (MP3) – use the ‘initial’ learning technique, plus the markings you made on your page. Knock my socks off next week with how accurately you read it!
Th, Mar 11


Review Aliya 2

Start Aliya 3

Learn Aliya 3, 4:5 (MP3)
Th, Mar 18


Review Aliya 2

Review Aliya 3 to date

Prepare Aliya 3, 4:6 (quite long, but covers 2 weeks)

Learn aliya 3, 4:6 (MP3)
Th, Apr 1


Review Aliya 3 to date

Prepare Aliya 3, 4:7

Smooth out aliya 3, 4:5-6 from last 2 weeks

Learn aliya 3, 4:7 (MP3)

Th, Apr 8


Review Aliya 3 to date

Prepare Aliya 3, 4:7

Learn aliya 3, 4:7 (MP3)
Th, Apr 15


Review Aliya 3 to date

Prepare Aliy3, 4:8

Learn Aliya 3, 4:8 (MP3)

When you review aliya 1 and 2 this week, try it from the LEFT hand side.

Th, Apr 22


Review aliya 3 (entire)

Review Torah blessings

Keep smoothing out aliya 3, trying from the left hand side.
Th, Apr 29


Repair endings of aliya 1 and 2 to be regular (middle of aliya) sof pasuks

Review all 3 aliyot as 1 big one

Keep reading thru all 3 aliyot as ONE. Try to do this from the left-hand side, but if there’s anything that’s not smooth, please go back and work on those lines/moment.

Reach out to Rabbi Kenter to start the D’var Torah –

Th, May 6


Review all 3 aliyot as ONE

Prepare Ein Kamocha first half

Fix 2 transition phrases. Listen to each a million times!

1) HaHar  HaTov hazeh v’haL’vanon… vayit-abeir (MP3)

2) V’atem HaD’veikim Badonai Eloheichem, chayyim kul’chem hayom… R’ei (MP3)

Print out Torah Service (PDF) for next week. To ensure it prints properly, make sure you have it set to print in landscape orientation, and set it to “fit to” letter size page. You can print this PDF in black-and-white. Staple it in the top RIGHT corner (holding the page in landscape orientation).

Th, May 13


Review all 3 aliyot as one, with new versions of transitions

Prepare Ein Kamocha first half

Sorry no lesson today. Using the usual homework technique, please learn the first half of the Ein Kamocha paragraph in the Torah Service PDF (Print it from last week’s homework box) (MP3)
Th, May 20 Review Homework from May 6 and first half of Ein Kamocha (Jonah forgot to do homework last week)

Prepare Ein Kamocha first 2 lines

Review Torah Reading

Learn first 2 printed lines of Ein Kamocha (MP3)


Th, May 27


Review Torah reading

Review Ein Kamocha 1st 2 lines

Prepare Ein Kamocha next 2 lines

Learn next 2 printed lines of Ein Kamocha – make sure you take time to get “l’amo” notes right! (MP3) + (MP3)
Th, Jun 3


Review Ein Kamocha to date

Prepare Adonai oz and Av Harachamim lines

Review Torah reading

Learn “Adonai Oz” and “Av HaRachamim” lines (MP3)
Th, June 10


Review Ein Kamocha to date

Prepare last 2 printed lines of Ein Kamocha

Learn last 2 printed line of Ein Kamocha (from Tivneh chomot) (MP3)

Smooth out Blessings before and after Torah reading – MP3s are in the homework for Oct. 29 above.

Mo, Jun 21


Review Ein Kamocha

Prepare Vay’hi Binsoa first 2 printed lines

Review Torah blessings

Touch up last printed line of Ein Kamocha

Learn all 4 lines of Vay’hi Binsoa (MP3).

Th, June 24 Confusion about a lesson today, because we had a lesson on Monday…

Work on Vay’hi Binsoa

Learn all 4 lines of Vay’hi Binsoa (MP3). You have two weeks to learn this before our next lesson.
Th, July 1 NO LESSON – CANADA DAY & CJG ON VACATION Continue learning Vay’hi Binsoa!

Review everything learned so far this week as well.

Th, Jul 8


Review Torah service to date

Prepare Sh’ma/Echad/Gad’lu (our last bit of new learning!)

Learn Sh’ma/Echad/Gad’lu p141 (MP3)
Th, Jul 15


Review Sh’ma/Echad/Gad’lu

Review Torah Processional

Review Torah aliyot (with blessings)

Review 3 Torah aliyot done separately (like originally learned)
Tu, July 20



Th, July 22



Torah reading in services! Wearing Tallit & T’filin

Downloads (click to open, right-click to save to your computer)

Torah Trope (PDF)

Torah – 3 Aliyot (PDF)

Torah Service (PDF)

Goals in order of priority

Blessings before and after Torah reading – DONE

Aliya 1 – DONE

Aliya 2 – DONE

Aliya 3 – DONE, noting this goes further than the end of aliya 1 on Shabbat

Torah Processional – IN PROGRESS

Torah Recessional –

D’var Torah (with Rabbi Kenter) –



Start with weekday Torah, Blessings. At Kotel, kids don’t usually get to lead services, but be ready with it anyway, and be ready for Shabbat if needed…
Then weekday Torah service, using Shabbat nusach (including Shabbat sections, just in case not in Israel)

Rick could do Haftara if it’s a Shabbat BM, with recording. Sent by email (files in Jonah’s OneDrive folder) on June 11, 2021. Rick will call if any issues.
They’re Kohanim, but Nicole converted. So if Shabbat, Jonah would have Kohein Aliya, and read it!

MOVING BM TO SAT. FOLLOWING JULY 22. Jonah will do first aliya of Saturday. Rick would like to do haftara. Send him all materials.

Jonah – Kohen aliya

CJG – Leivi aliya

Rick – Maftir aliya

Acharon for grandfather (Kohen)

Brother & Sister – Hagbahah and G’lilah

3 English prayers are covered

CJG doing charge/blessing