
Letters from Israel – Day 2

Posted on February 21, 2024

Hevre/Friends, Entering the Gaza Envelope, our hearts began to beat faster as our bus traversed the landscape where the massacre of October 7 took place. Along Route 232 we passed kibbutzim that had been overrun, drove over scars in the road where burnt cars seared their tragic stories into the pavement, saw missile shelters where Continue Reading »

Letters from Israel

Posted on February 21, 2024

The solidarity mission to Israel, led by Rabbi Adina Lewittes, began this weekend. The group has already arrived in Israel and commenced their journey. We will be sharing their experiences throughout the trip with you.   Day 1 Hevre/Friends, We landed tired but exhilarated. We were back in Israel, an Israel we knew we’d have Continue Reading »

Letters from Israel – Day 1

Posted on February 20, 2024

Hevre/Friends, We landed tired but exhilarated. We were back in Israel, an Israel we knew we’d have to get to know all over again. After heartfelt introductions between members of our group who arrived from Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and New York, and after meeting our guide, Yishai, we enjoyed a nice dinner and talked and Continue Reading »

Torah & Sacred Text Renewal

Posted on February 13, 2024

“Even as one fulfills a mitzvah by performing it simply, it is nonetheless proper to perform the mitzvah as beautifully as possible…” Talmud Bavli- Shabbat 133b:5-6 Over the years, our High Holy Day Torah Covers have been weathered by the passage of time, and it is now time to replace these cherished elements of our Continue Reading »

Leonard Cohen Concert

Posted on January 31, 2024

“That’s How the Light Gets In” A Jewish Tribute to Leonard Cohen Saturday, March 2nd, 2024, 7:30pm at KBI Buy a ticket and/or adbook space Featuring Dan Nadel and Shira Averbuch with appearances by our Cantor Jason Green and the KBI choir Dan Nadel Dan Nadel is an Israeli born guitarist and composer, whose personal style combines Continue Reading »

Trauma, Resilience and Reckoning

Posted on October 23, 2023

Rav Baruch Frydman-Kohl Kehillat Beth Israel, Ottawa 21 October 2023 ~Torah Portion Noah  ~ Heshvan 6 I returned this week from a country at war, profoundly traumatized by the barbaric attacks of Hamas terrorists two weeks ago. Our home, our bayit was facing brutal, savage assault. Israelis understand arial bombardments. We know what to do: Continue Reading »

Cantor Green’s Tisha B’Av Sermon:

Posted on July 27, 2023

How to Experience Sadness on Tisha B’Av Wednesday evening, Erev Tisha B’Av, July 26, 2023 The halachic rules of Tisha B’Av are straightforward: don’t eat or drink, bathe or have intimate relations, sit or sleep in comfortable positions, wear leather shoes, or put on makeup or lotion. During the High Holy Days, we attempt to Continue Reading »

A message from the Mitzmachers about “TRY” Summer Israel Travel for 10th-12th Graders

Posted on May 10, 2023

Some thoughts from the Mitzmachers in Ottawa about this fantastic opportunity:   Dr. Jon Mitzmacher (parent of previous and upcoming participants): “Living in a Jewish community without a Jewish high school presented our family with a set of challenges but also an opportunity.  How would we continue to provide our daughters with a formal Jewish Continue Reading »

Youth Shavuot Programming & Registration links

Posted on May 10, 2023

Thursday, May 25, 7:30-9:00pm Tikkun Leil Shavuot Youth Learning Track: “Last Licks with Rabbi Kenter” (pun intended) Youth of Gesher & USY ages (Gr. 6-12), join Cantor Green and Rabbi Kenter (last chance before his departure!) in a meaningful and fun study track parallel to the congregation’s adult Tikkun Leil Shavuot (late-night Torah study in Continue Reading »

A message from Eliana Mitzmacher, Regional VP, about ECRUSY Spring Convention

Posted on May 10, 2023

Hi, I’m Eliana, and I am on the regional general board of ECRUSY and am planning the spring convention. I know there is some apprehension from some of the middle school age kids about going to this convention, but I wanted to just reach out to let you know how much fun the convention is Continue Reading »